Post 9 / Posted March 12th 2020
Notes for my Illustrator: The Moogy Roo Series.
This Blog is a retrospective look back on my self publishing journey which took just on 12 months from the day I decided to publish my first story, mid January 2019 to finally collecting my first 534 copies from customs at Brisbane Wharf late January 2020.
Date in History: 3rd May 2019
After reviewing the initial layout concepts I wasn't completely happy with how Moogs (Girl character) looked, and I also decided exclude the boy character and just have my girl character act out the story instead, whilst also confirming I did not want to reveal Giggly Goo until the very end. I also thought I would change page layout to landscape as the initial layout samples seemed too square and tight. So before my meeting with Jan my illustrator, I sent Sharon the below email with the following notes for Jan ...
Hi Sharon,
Very exciting and feel we are close. I have attached some minor notes as well as story with my general scene notes.
What is a good time next week to meet?
Kind Regards
More Layout Concepts I received prior to my meeting with Jan.
I will be adding a two more initial layout concepts as well letting you know how my first meeting with my illustrator went in my next blog. As my blogs continue you will get to see both subtle and significant changes as the illustrations are developed.
I will be posting twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursdays and would love your feedback, comments and questions along the way. Thanks for your support.